It’s almost hard to believe that its already been an entire year since we opened the doors to our beloved community center in Morocco. And our hearts go out to the people who have helped the Fix the World organization in order to make this possible. It is through our memberships and generous help and donations from people all around the world that we are able to fund and operate a thriving community center that supports life changing activities for over 200 impoverished women and children in our area.
We also want to say a huge thank you to our partners at Al Hamama Al Baida and Associasion Ellas who have worked hard every day to organize and teach the activities that the center hosts.
Currently the center holds classes and workshops in a wide array of activities including knitting, vocational skills, literacy classes in Arabic and Spanish, cooking classes and special presentations. There have also been several excursions with donated transportation to other cities and museums. The people who live in the community have been spreading the great reputation of the center and the free classes that are offered there. We’ve been growing and expanding since this time. Just recently members of our partner associations met with the governor of Tetouan, who told them that he had heard of our great work and growing reputation. We have plans to keep growing in the future, offering more classes, and more field trips to help broaden the horizons of the people in this community who might not of otherwise had these kinds of opportunities.
Here are some pictures of recent activities from this past year.

Crafts made by the women in the community

craft classes


Moroccan dresses

Emi speaking at a local event about the activities at the center

knitting classes

field trips



music events


Literacy classes

Field trips