Author: Hope

Scientists Warn Turbo Cancer That Killed Kelly Powers Will Soon ‘Spread Like Wildfire’ Among General Population

Scientists have predicted that the vaccinated population will soon see a sharp rise in turbo cancer diagnoses in the next few years.

Following the news that Fox News contributor and doctor Kelly Powers died Sunday following a heart attack and a battle with turbo cancer, scientists have warned that the majority of the public should be prepared to suffer a similar fate.

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Arla, who supply Tesco, Morrisons and Aldi, are trialling Bovaer on their dairy cattle

British farmers that make up the UK’s biggest dairy cooperative, Arla, have joined forces with some of the biggest retailers in the country to tackle methane emissions. In a first of its kind joint initiative, the project will see a collective effort across the food industry to trial the use of Bovaer®, a feed additive that reduces enteric methane emissions from cows on average, by 27%*

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