Author: Gracie

Millions Will Get AIDS From Vax by Fall – Dr Elizabeth Eads

This is a must-watch interview! Dr. Elizabeth Eads shares very alarming statistics that talk about how many people are now in the hospital with full-blown AIDS from the COVID vaccines. For the last year, we’ve been trying to tell people that each COVID injection destroys your immune system and the third one finishes the job and gives you full blown AIDS.

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Graphene Oxide Detox (GOD) Protocol – Holistic Health Online Podcast

People are looking for protocols to follow to prevent covid and prime the immune system. The Graphene Oxide Detox (GOD) Protocol consists of powerful vitamins, minerals & antioxidants shown to be deficient in people who succumb to the covid disease and other viruses. In this episode I describe each recommended supplement and give the therapeutic dosages for the protocol.

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