Josh Sigurdson reports on the much anticipated and evil digital ID being passed in Australia with little to no oversight today.

Australia has been shifting towards technocracy for years. With no right to free speech and a strange connection with China, Australia has been moving towards full censorship and digital surveillance faster than almost any other country.

Today, the digital ID has passed and people will be heavily restricted by it. Only 3 politicians appeared to be against the digital ID with everyone else voting unanimously.
This follows calls by the Australian government to bring in “social licenses” and track every single person posting online after the stabbing of Bishop Mar Mari.

Of course, digital IDs are being rolled out in dozens of other countries as well.

Bill Gates and the United Nations has rolled out digital IDs in Sierra Leone where no one can work, have a home, have a car, travel, have a bank account or immigrate there without a digital ID.

In Canada, they’ve rolled out a social credit scoring system at the same time as they’ve put carbon credits on bank accounts. In parts of Quebec, you need to show a QR code just to leave. Trudeau has also quietly passed restrictions that allow you to be arrested for things you said more than 10 years ago online.

Scotland is pushing similar censorship restrictions with 7 year prison sentences for insulting people.

Paris is bringing in digital IDs as the Olympics approach. They’re also banning private cars in the center of Paris and have already banned short haul domestic flights.

They’re debanking countless people and restricting people from donating to charities that don’t align with their establishment narrative. This recently happened to Gareth Ick.
In the UK they’re calling for mandated smart meters on people’s homes as we’ve previously reported.

In New York City, they’re rolling out food police to stop the consumption of meat. Chicago wants to roll out government run grocery stores. This is all happening as countless countries try to restrict 50% of farming. Rations anyone? CBDCs? Isn’t it all so obvious?





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