Karen Kingston’s research was featured in the release of SPN Exclusive ‘Final Days’ and she joins the Stew Peters Show to break down her explosive findings from the patents in the documentary.

The DoD invested nearly half a billion dollars in synthetic biology, while Top U.S. Intelligence officials call Gene Editing a Weapon of Mass Destruction.

Why would these Global Elites not only approve the mRNA Technology for global citizens, but also propagandized the world aggressively into taking it?

The Covid “vaccine” was never intended for public health, It was designed as a weapon of biowarfare- and we were their experiment.

Source Link: https://www.brighteon.com/5c54a5e3-d7d3-45fe-a135-3750701aece5

Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/YBM3rvf5ydDM/

Gab: https://gab.com/hopegirl

Telegram: https://t.me/Hopegirl587

EMF Protection Products: www.ftwproject.com

QEG Clean Energy Academy: www.cleanenergyacademy.com

Forbidden Tech Book: www.forbiddentech.website