Josh Sigurdson reports on the recent news of the AstraZeneca Vaccine quietly losing approval in Australia.

While the Australian counterpart of the FDA (the Therapeutic Goods Administration) claims that the reason for the withdrawal of use has nothing to do with side effects, it’s clear that the number of side effects have skyrocketed over the past two years since the initial roll out and approval of the injections. In fact, countless countries had previously put stops on the use of AstraZeneca injections due to TTS (thrombocytopenia syndrome). These countries include Iceland, Norway and Denmark. Other countries in Europe such as Romania, Ireland, Sweden, France, Germany, Italy and Spain also temporarily suspended AstraZeneca’s injections due to side effects.

This is only the beginning as we learn more and more about the cause of the increase in excess deaths across the board which in Australia is as high as 5162%.

Each year, excess deaths climb among the injected as the jabs bring pre-morbidities to the front of the line. Morbidities that would usually occur at an old age but instead are effecting people in their teens, twenties and thirties, etc.

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