For everyone who wants to know the latest on our free energy device the QEG, please watch this latest video. James and Valerie Robitaille have just travelled across the country with the QEG in the back of a rented van in order to get to the Energy Science and Technology Conference to give a live demonstration of this unique technology in front of some of the most renown inventors and scientists in this field.

Getting there was no easy feat…they set off with very little money and decided to camp their way across the country, then a 5.8 earthquake struck and they averted a huge fatal car accident and a dangerous flat tire on steep mountain roads. This call is Hopegirl piecing together live calls and pics from the road at the conference, along with a few videos clips of James presenting.

Please consider helping them get home safely by making a donation here:

Also, if you want to join the Free Energy Academy to learn more about this technology you can do so here.

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