QEG Real World, a new weekly series depicting the lives of a family building a free energy device in Africa, and the building of the device from scratch.
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/embed?layout=gallery&listType=playlist&list=PLWTEQcUVUjIL3RAh4iWoCGemFBwFiHo6x[/embedyt]
Here’s how to watch:
All members of the QEG Academy can view episodes on the QEG Academy video gallery found here:
QEG Project Videos
QEG Real World Episodes will be airing on Conscious Consumer Network starting August 14, at 4PM EST and 9PM GMT. Click here at appointed time to watch:
Or you can download each episode (as we put them out) right here for a small amount. All proceeds from episode downloads go towards this important energy project.
QEG Real World episodes will not be on YouTube.