5th Generation Warfare is warfare that is conducted primarily through non-kinetic military action, such as social engineering, misinformation, cyberattacks, along with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and fully autonomous systems. Fifth generation warfare has been described by Daniel Abbot as a war of “information and perception”

That was taken from Hope and Tivon’s full presentation on 5th Generation Warfare which is included below.

My latest show with Hope and Tivon we discuss 5th generation warfare and we tie it into some recent events that we have experienced to give people an idea how it is forming around us now.

Then Hope and Tivon give their full 1 1/2 hour presentation on 5th generation warfare. Since the presentation was so long, it is not airing with my show, but here for Substack followers (available to everyone). They will also be participating in a future series that I am putting together with Brighteon University on censorship, mind manipulation and 5th generation warfare.

The seminar series will likely have 8 parts with many experts. Hope and Tivon will be creating some new material to be included.

The full seminar series is still in the planning phases, but once we have it nailed down, I will be sharing the details with all of you on Substack.

Also, for paid Substack subscribers, I have included Daniel Abbot’s book “The Handbook of 5GW, A Fifth Generation War?”. This is another good source for people to understand what we are dealing with. You can find that pdf at the bottom.

Here are the details for the show:

Title: 5th Generation Warfare & Mind Control Being Used Against You w/ Hope & Tivon

Description: Hope and Tivon, founders of Fix the World Morocco, join the program to discuss 5th generational warfare. What it is and how it is being used against you and your family. We discuss tactics and what the goals are behind these warfare techniques. They also discuss the harmful effects of EMFs and how their EMF mitigation devices can help you sleep better and feel better overall. Learn more at https://www.ftwproject.com/ref/531/

Link: 5th Generation Warfare & Mind Control Being Used Against You w/ Hope & Tivon

Also, Hope and Tivon have dedicated their life to helping people mitigate the damaging effects of EMFs and targeted weapons. All of us are being hit with this whether we know it or even understand it. You can see what they have to offer at www.ftwproject.com/ref/531/ Some items that you may be interested in are sleeping pods to help reduce the EMFs so you can sleep, pendants to wear and devices to put on your home, computer and phones.

Source: https://sarahwestall.substack.com/p/5th-generation-warfare-and-mind-control

Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/YBM3rvf5ydDM/

Gab: https://gab.com/hopegirl

Telegram: https://t.me/Hopegirl587

EMF Protection Products: www.ftwproject.com

QEG Clean Energy Academy: www.cleanenergyacademy.com

Forbidden Tech Book: www.forbiddentech.website