Dr. Lee Vliet and attorney Todd Callender return to SGT Report to document and catalog the coordinated global genocide via bioweapon masquerading as “vaccine” which the mainstream whore mockingbird media continues to ignore, and lie about, at their own peril.

Source Link:  https://rumble.com/v30ex20-exposed-coordinated-global-genocide-todd-callender-and-dr.-lee-vliet.html

Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/YBM3rvf5ydDM/

Gab: https://gab.com/hopegirl

Telegram: https://t.me/Hopegirl587

EMF Protection Products: www.ftwproject.com

QEG Clean Energy Academy: www.cleanenergyacademy.com

Forbidden Tech Book: www.forbiddentech.website