Talk Topic: TeraHertz Band Communication: An Old Problem Revisited & Research Directions for the Next Decade

Abstract: TeraHertz (THz) band communications are envisioned as a key technology for 6G and Beyond. As a fundamental wireless infrastructure, THz communication can boost abundant promising applications. In 2014, our team published two comprehensive roadmaps for the development and progress of THz communication networks which helped the research community to start research on this subject afterwards. In particular, this topic became very important and appealing to the research community due to 6G wireless systems design and development in recent years. Many papers are getting published covering different aspects of wireless systems using the THz band. In this talk, our aim is looking back at the last decade and revisiting the old problems and pointing out what has been achieved in the research community so far. Furthermore, still to be investigated research challenges for the THz band communication systems are presented by covering diverse subtopics such as from device perspectives, channel behavior, communication and networking problems, physical testbeds and demonstration systems. The presented key aspects will enable THz communications as a pillar of 6G and Beyond wireless systems in the next decade.

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